COVID-19 Response – Spring Semester 2022

JONES International University

Law School

Master of Science in Law & Policy

An excellent opportunity for non-law graduates to study law at the postgraduate level and to gain legal knowledge and transferable skills which will benefit you in the workplace and/or further study.

You gain a grounding in key legal principles which will be applicable to you in your everyday lives and future careers. The nature of the course enables non-law graduates to develop a sound knowledge and understanding of select areas of US law and its real-world application at the postgraduate level.

You engage and share ideas and experiences with a body of students from a wide range of levels and backgrounds through the shared teaching across this course. This course is delivered across three semesters with September or January starts. This qualification does not provide qualifying/ exempting status for professional body purposes.

Doctor of Jurisprudence

The Law Center at Jones International University is ranked as one of the top two law schools in the country in offering energy-specific courses, especially those in oil and gas, and its faculty is internationally recognized for its expertise in energy law and related fields. The Law Center has earned an international reputation as a center for research and teaching on the intersection of these laws and related projects, programs, and policies. Students will be in the middle of one of the nation’s top legal markets, as well as the “Energy Capital of the World.” Some of the courses include advanced oil and gas contract drafting, climate change litigation, coastal and ocean law, energy law and policy, environmental law, and oil and gas pipeline regulation.

To qualify for the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree (JD), a student must meet the following requirements:

  • The student must have completed a period of resident study equivalent to at least three academic years.
  • The student must have completed and passed all courses required by the faculty of the School of Law at the time of the student’s initial enrollment, except those that have been removed from the list of required courses since the student’s initial enrollment. The student must pass at least one seminar as described in the section “Seminars” on the Curriculum page.
  • Eighty-six semester hours are required for graduation. With the permission of the dean, a student may enroll in a course in another school or college of the University. To count toward graduation from the School of Law, the course must be related to a course of study offered in the School of Law. If the course is in a foreign language, it may be either undergraduate or graduate; in all other fields, only graduate courses may be counted. No more than 12 semester hours of such work may be counted. Students who complete undergraduate foreign language courses may apply one credit hour toward the JD degree per two and a half credit hours earned.
  • Dual degree students must have 65 regularly scheduled law courses completed to graduate, not including Directed Research and Study, Internships, Advanced Clinic, and non-law courses.
  • The student must have a grade point average of at least 1.90 on all work taken in the School of Law.